KTE Welfare

KTE Welfare

About KTE>KTE Welfare
  • Various welfare benefits of KTE
  • KTE does not spare any support for its employees.
  • Commuter bus service
  • 3 commuter buses to Busan (refer to the commuter bus timetable)
  • Support for individual competency development education expenses
  • Support for internal and external individual competency development training expenses
  • Operation of the in-house labor welfare fund
  • Support for children’s education (kindergarten, high school, university)/loan for housing, living expenses
  • Support for congratulations and condolences
  • Various congratulations and congratulations leave and support /
    Birthday and wedding anniversary celebration payment
  • Medical support
  • Regular medical examinations are conducted for the health management of executives and employees
  • Support for leisure activities
  • Support for in-house clubs / Operation of company recreation facilities / Operation of in-house gym, shower room and rest area / Annual mountain climbing for all employees in autumn (souvenir gift)
  • Reward system
  • Commendation for exemplary employee on the anniversary of foundation / Reward for improvement proposal system / Support for long-term service leave and reward / Gift for retirement