Schneider Electric Models

Schneider Electric Model


Okken is a low voltage switchboard designed for use in critical largesite applications : off-shore platforms, large industrial plants. Okken’s safety and high operational dependability are essential for your applications in critical processes, in power distribution as well as for motor control.
Okken is a totally type-tested switchboard, in accordance with IEC 60439-1, and certified by independent labs: LOVAG, ASEFA, CESI and VIRLAB.

A wide range of solutions
Withdrawable device for high power incomers or feeders up to 6300 A
Fixed for economical low-power feeder applications. Disconnectable up to 630 for a high upgradability

Plug-in up to 630 for fast interchangeability without handling the power cables
Drawers for highest availability and safety of electrical distribution and motor control
Okken High Safety and Availability Switchboard up to 6300 A
Okken's modular design makes it easier to use for main switchboard power distribution up to 6300 A, as well as for the control and monitoring of motors up to 250 KW. It allows a combination of different types of feeders in the same column.

High dependability and low voltage switchboard
Okken is a low voltage switchboard designed for use in critical large-site

- off-shore platforms
- Large industrial plants

Okken offers different protection levels: IP31 / IP41 / IP54, appropriate to the environmental characteristics of your installation.
: Designed for the best continuity of service
- Padlocking and locking plugged in or withdrawn
- Position for checkings
- Evolutions in the feeder or the configuration, Without having to switch off the main power supply

Disconnectable or Plug-in Polyfast
: Without having to switch off the main power source, it allow
- Evolutions in the switchboard
- Devices’ settings,
- Addition, change or removal of feeders
- Curative maintenance : Prevent any on-load handling, Okken Polyfast prevents the risks of short circuit upstream the protection device
Fixed type cubicle
: Fixed PCC
- Form 2 to form 4a
- Units up to 1600 A.
- Current transformers in the connection compartments.
- Simple technology
- Predrilled distribution busbar
- Bolted connections
- Flexible links makes it easier to connect each feeder.

Variable speed drives
: Without having to switch off the main power source, it allow
- Evolutions in the switchboard
- Devices’ settings,
- Addition, change or removal of feeders
- Curative maintenance : Prevent any on-load handling, Okken Polyfast prevents the risks of short circuit upstream the protection device

Power factor correction
: Power factor correction and harmonic filtering
- Eliminate reactive power related costs,
- Limit contractual demand,
- Increase energy availability,
- Improve energy quality,
- Extends the life of the connected devices

Fuses cubicle
- 630 to 1500A Vertical busbar
- Direct mounting of horizontal fuses switch

230 and 115 Masterpact cubicle
: Masterpack are installed in
- 115 columns up to 4000A,
- 230 columns above 4000A.
- Connection from the top, the bottom or the rear
- Short-circuit current up to 150kA/1s
- Highly compact configurations
- Incomers changeover in 1 column
- Incomers+Coupling in 2 columns

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