Motor Controller
The SMC 400 series improves the reliability of control circuit and correctness of assembling for starter, and saves the design M/h for group start panel. Moreover, the size of a starter can be reduced. Starter with SMC 400 can be superior in quality, and its design and assembling can be standardized. Also, maintenance can be done easily, promptly, and can be managed systematically. As the major point, all models have sequential start (UVR/UVP), alarm signal out and remote control, and SMC-405, 406 models have the prevention against inrush current while changing direction or speed. SMC-402 model has anti-chattering delay and whole models have Emergency control function with Element heater and Winding heater control function to select alternatively. Particularly, the enclosure is made of flame retardant polycarbonate material, and it has the highest electric insulation and strong resistance to shock. And also, its weight is very light. So, it can be easily applied in any environmental conditions.